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The first of eight children born to our founder and former Pastor, Rev. Dr. Robert and Mrs. Willa Mae McCrory, Pastor Ronnie McCrory serves as the second pastor to St. Luke Emanuel Missionary Baptist Church, succeeding his father.

As a child, Rev. Ron would preach to his siblings.  He would always be the Pastor, while his siblings would be the congregants.  Little did he know then that God had planted his feet upon the path into which he would one day walk.

Classes taken through Moddy Bible Institute, the General Baptist Convention, degrees earned from UWM-Oshkosh and UWM-Milwaukee in Religion, Social Work and Art as well as tutelage of service under his father has equipped him to serve God’s people with compassion and humility.  Ron’s service is shown through caring for the whole person (physical, emotional, social, and spiritual), as directed by God.



Evelyn is the third of eight children. As a young child when at church, she always felt a calming spirit.  The stained-glass windows held special meaning to her, telling her a “special” kind of story.  In later life, she realized that it was the Holy Spirit talking to her in an unknown language - a language which she would later learn.  

Through time, she too, walked into her destiny.  It was one that she did not choose, but a destiny that chose her, a destiny of service to God’s people.  She realizes that she is blessed beyond measure to emulate the teachings, the love and compassion of Christ, our Savior, to those looking for Him.  Drawn especially to children, seniors, and persons with disabilities, an Alverno degree has helped her in many areas of service.  

Her constant prayer is, “Lord, let me be both salt and light that men, women, boys and girls may see and know You in the free pardon of their sins.”


She and Pastor McCrory have one daughter and nine grands.

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