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It is indeed an honor and privilege for me to pay homage to our founders, Dr. Robert and Mrs. Willa McCrory, also known as "salt and light."  Generally, regardless of lifestyle, we make comments and assumptions that people who have passed on have made it to "a better place;" however, I am happy to report that the work that they did and the holy lives that they lived are still speaking for them all the way from glory.   Their lives were an embodiment of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12). They set the bar so high that I know if they were here today, they would be both astonished and disappointed with where we as God's people have fallen.  With that said, because of Jesus' example and the way they followed it before me, my compass is set.  Mom and Dad, I will see you in the rapture!  Thank you for your life of sacrifice.


~Carmellett D. Hernandez

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